We Listen. Whatever your professional development needs, IEP & Learning Alliances will work with you to create the best course to meet the unique needs of your school.

Professional Development Catalog
Topics Include:
- Teachers and School Leadership Development
- Common Core for Mathematics and Language Arts
- Transformation and Turnaround
- Curriculum Organization and Design
- Instruction Organization and Design
- Student Behavior, Classroom Management and School Climate
- Special Populations (Special Education, ELL’s, At-risk, Advanced Students)
- Assessment and Data-Driven Decision Making
Our trainers and coaches are teachers, principals, and superintendents that took their schools on the path to success and are willing to share their best practices with other schools. Their hands-on approach presents solutions to the root causes of low student achievement by looking into current teaching and administrative practices. IEP helps schools and districts in need of improvement develop and implement a coherent improvement plan that builds local capacity and links professional learning to the daily practice of the school’s staff.
IEP has developed instruments to measure knowledge, skills, and attitude, as well as intended versus actual application of the professional learning. We measure effectiveness at several points in time during the professional development process which allows us to provide targeted feedback to participants.
Are you all too familiar with the one-shot training that only gives your teachers another training manual to stock up on a dusty shelf? IEP’s workshops include follow up through e-mail, teleconferences, podcasts, blogs, and wikis in order to support and enhance participants professional learning and the application and assessment of that learning. Participants use a discussion room or a blog to talk about the skills, review additional materials posted, or interface with the facilitator or a coach/mentor while implementing the newly learned skills or knowledge. Our team will come to your location to provide customized, ongoing coaching and technical assistance that will build local capacity for improved instruction and leadership.
Based on the district’s and school’s needs, we can target our interventions to groups or individual teachers and customize the type and level of support they need. On-site workshops are always followed by individual support from one of our experienced coaches or consultants. Our PD staff uses technology and online resources to bolster and supplement each teacher’s professional learning experience with materials relevant to their situation. Our online resources represent an added value for the complete professional learning experience.
All workshops have been developed taking into consideration the latest educational research published in peer-reviewed journals and studies and is continuously updated to reflect the latest relevant research base.